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Compare 45 kg Gas Bottle Prices – 45kg Gas Bottle Price & LPG Price Explained

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Home 9 Business LPG Blogs 9 Compare 45 kg Gas Bottle Prices – 45kg Gas Bottle Price & LPG Price Explained

In this article:

Learn about LPG pricing, how it is determined and the various factors involved.

Gas Bottles Prices – 45kg Gas Bottle Price

Gas bottle prices and the 45kg gas bottle price is particularly important to home LPG gas users. 45 kg gas bottle prices are actually influenced by the worldwide LPG price.

The gas bottle prices are based on all of the factors explained in the following post.

The 45kg gas bottle price is what most home owners are interested in.

More specifically it is the 45kg gas bottle refill price unless you are looking for SWAP’n’GO prices (swap and go prices).

Whichever bottled gas prices you are looking for, the factors influencing them are discusses below…

45kg Gas Bottle Refill Price

The 45kg gas bottle refill price varies depending on whether it is provided via 45kg gas bottle exchange or tanker refilled on site.

Location can also affect the 45kg gas bottle refill price based on the distance from the main storage facility, usually near the refinery, natural gas processing plant or near an importing sea port.

Australian LPG Gas Price Explained

There are many factors that go into determining the price of LPG.

These all fluctuate over time.

We constantly review all of these factors to make sure that we have competitive prices.

The following should help explain all of these factors…

LPG Price Australia – World LPG Benchmark Pricing

LPG Price AustraliaLPG price Australia reflects the fact that LPG is an internationally traded commodity and influenced by international prices.

The international benchmark for the cost of Australian LPG is the Saudi Aramco Contract Price, also commonly called the Saudi CP.

The Saudi CP changes on a monthly basis, forcing price reviews at least once per month.

All internationally traded commodities are subject to price fluctuations.

Agricultural and natural resource products are similar to LPG, in that they are subject to the prevailing price in international commodity markets.

Australia does not have an influence on LPG price benchmarks, as our production of LPG is small compared to worldwide production.

The same is true for the Australian pricing of crude oil and refined products, which are also linked to international prices.

Exchange Rates

The Saudi CP is expressed in US dollars per tonne.

As the international price for LPG is in US dollars, the Australian dollar exchange rate also affects the Australian price of LPG.

Exchange rates change numerous times per day, making the setting and publishing of prices even more challenging.

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Transportation Costs Affect LPG Prices

B-double LPG road tankerLPG price is greatly affected by transportation costs.

There are over 15,000 named localities in Australia, from small towns and villages to large cities.

All of these localities are different distances from their closest delivery depots which, in turn, are different distances from their supply terminals.

Each has a specific cost of delivery and this complexity is one of the reasons why it is difficult to publish pricing for all areas.

For example, if you live 1km from a depot the cost of delivery would be much different than if you lived 50km away.

Transport costs and refinery terminal fees are also a significant part of the overall cost of delivered LPG.

Australian LPG is sourced from oil & gas fields, refineries and importers.

As these can vary across the different geographical locations of Australia, LPG pricing can also vary by location and distance from the source.

There are three distance related transportation cost variables:

  • Distance from original source to the main terminal
  • Distance from the main terminal to the various local depots
  • Distance from the local depot to your location

Volume Used Affects LPG Pricing

The cost of servicing a larger volume account is typically less than a lower volume account.

Delivering larger quantities, on a given delivery, is obviously more economical.

There are also equipment costs, account administration costs and other costs & considerations that, when spread across more volume, will affect the price.

As an example, autogas dealers take thousands of litres per delivery, as compared to cooking only customers who might use just one gas bottle every 15 months.

As a result, the volume used affects the unit pricing.

Seasonality Affects LPG Price

The seasons can also affect LPG price, as the worldwide demand is generally higher during the northern hemisphere winter.

In general, higher demand results in tightening of supplies and an increase in LPG prices.


The government affects the price you pay for LPG through the application of taxes.

GST applies to all LPG sold in Australia.

This adds 10% to the price of the LPG.

In addition, LPG used for vehicles – autogas – is also subject to an excise tax.

Excise tax on LPG started in 2011 and has been increased every year since.

The excise tax on Autogas is currently 16.2 cents per litre.

Geo-Political Issues and LPG Supply Interruptions

Embargos, wars and social unrest in LPG producing countries can adversely affect supply and drive prices upward.

Natural disasters, like earthquakes and fires, can also have an effect.

Bottled Gas Prices – 45kg Gas Bottle Price

LPG Price AustraliaThe end result is that bottled gas prices and the 45kg gas bottle price are influenced by changes in the international LPG price, taxes, transport and other related costs and considerations.

While Elgas is the largest marketer of LPG in Australia, we are also dependent on the primary LPG producers for the product.

The variations in world benchmark pricing, exchange rates, transportation and delivery costs, as well as the variations in the volume used, make it impractical to publish pricing for all customers in all 15,000 Australian localities.

Contact your local ELGAS Customer Service Team today on 131 161 for a competitive price of LPG applicable to your unique situation.

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